Update: May 25, 2018
Our contact in the red-light in India shared that the new care center that has opened for children in the area, "has played an important role in bringing many ladies from the brothels to share their problems and sufferings. These ladies, after seeing the changes in their children's lives, has started opening up about their problems and ask for counselling. Some of them are rich brothel owners who used to pretend they were happy but are in fact starting to share about their empty lives, giving me an opportunity to share the Gospel and prayer for them." This is also spreading the word among the women about a safe refuge for their kids, and more are starting to come. Praise Jesus!
Update: May 3, 2018
Update from our contact in the red-light district of India: "We have been making regular house visits and offering prayers and counseling to the girls in the red-light. Some of them have been suffering from deadly diseases like Hepatitis A-B and C. One of them has succumbed to the disease. Prayers are needed for the others suffering from it." Please pray for the Lord's miraculous hand of healing to fall upon these young women and that they would invite Jesus into their hearts!
timothy senger
Dear Julieanne, i really must say that i enjoy reading your testimony and what you are involved with, much blessing's to you!!
i also wrote to you a day or so ago, and was wanting to ask you if by chance that i might be able to order your dessert cook book in Phisical form?
please forgive me for asking about it again, not sure if you are receiving my e-mails or not?
anyway's i hope that you are blessed and that you are in GODS keeping protection.
your brother in CHRIST!
timothy senger
320-339-0158 cell
Keto Cooking Christian
Hi Timothy. Thank you so much, not only for taking time to read about me and my site but to comment. That is why I love what I do. At this time, I only offer my cookbooks in e-book format.