If you're looking for a list of Keto foods, you've come to the right place! Having a Keto foods list on hand at the grocery store, will help you make all the right choices to stay in ketosis.

(Click here for a printable Keto Foods List)
If you are new to Keto, you are probably wondering where to start with this new WOE (way of eating)! This list of Keto foods will give you a good idea of what are considered Keto-friendly.
In a nutshell, you want to stay away from sugar, carbs, processed foods, foods that are full of harmful preservatives, hormones and additives. Many have a misconception that this is a low carb, low fat and high protein diet and that's not the case! Keto is a low carb , moderate protein and high (healthy) fat diet.
The first thing you'll want to do is calculate your macros. You can use this macros calculator, to give you an idea of the percentage of fat, protein and carbs you should be consuming on Keto.
The typical range is somewhere in the area of 5-8% carbs, 20-25% protein and 60-75% fat, these are percentage of calories. Balance is very important in staying in Ketosis, too many carbs will kick you out of Ketosis, too much protein will also kick you out.
Organic, grass-fed and unprocessed meats i.e. meats that do not contain nitrates/nitrates, MSG (Monosodium glutamate), hormones or antibiotics are ideal.
Dark Meat Chicken and Turkey
Pork, Ham, Bacon, Sausage
Bison, Lamb, Rabbit
Eggs (free-range if possible)
Crab, Shrimp, Mussels, Oysters, Lobster, Squid, Tuna, Trout, Sardines, Halibut and Cod
Healthy Fats
Saturated Fats: Eat these. Some examples of these are grass-fed butter, ghee, lard, mayonnaise, cocoa butter, coconut butter, Coconut Oil and MCT Oil
Monounsaturated Fats: Eat these! Some examples of these are extra virgin olive oil, avocado, and macadamia nut oils.
Polyunsaturated Fats: Naturally occurring polyunsaturated fats in animal protein and fatty fish are great for you, and you should eat these. These include beef tallow, duck fat, Processed polyunsaturated fats in “heart healthy” margarine spreads are bad for you.
Trans Fats: Completely avoid. These are processed fats that are chemically altered (hydrogenated) to improve shelf life. Avoid all hydrogenated fats, such as margarine, as they’re linked to heart disease.
Artichokes, Asparagus, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Garlic, Kale, Leeks, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Peppers, Pumpkin, Radishes, Sauerkraut, Spinach, Tomatoes and Zucchini
Note: Garlic, Tomatoes, Leeks and Onions should be eaten in small amounts
Asiago, Blue Cheese, Brie, Cheddar, Colby, Cottage Cheese, Cream Cheese, Creme Fraiche, Feta, Goat Cheese, Greek Yogurt, Heavy Whipping Cream, Mascarpone, Monterey Jack, Mozzarella, Ricotta, Romano and Swiss Cheese
Nuts and Seeds
Walnuts, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Macadamia Nuts, Pecans and Hazelnuts
Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Chia Seeds and Flaxseeds
Strawberry, Blackberry, Blueberry and Raspberry
Lemon and Lime
Note: Berries should be eaten in small amounts
Click here for a list of over 100 Keto Snack Recipes and Ideas
Want even more great snacks for Keto? Check out this list of 46 Healthy Keto Snacks That Won't Kick You Out of Ketosis!
Other Keto Pantry Staples
Chicken or Bone Broth